On the basis of Section 60f of Act 561/2004 Coll., we announce the admission to the first year of the Monty Secondary School.

Basic information

Field of study: 78 – 42 – M/06 Combined Lyceum

Level of education: Secondary with school-leaving exam

Form and type of study: Full-time

Length of study: 4 years

Expected number of applicants accepted: 18

Deadline for submission of applications: 20. 02. 2025 inclusive

The application form can be found here.

Entrance exam

The invitation to apply will be delivered to the applicant at least 14 days before the entrance exam.

The entrance exam consists of 2 parts:

  • Part 1 – Unified Entrance Exam (UEE)

  • Part 2 – School Entrance Exam (SEE)


Unified entrance exam

Part of the entrance exams for the study of the field with the school-leaving exam is a unified entrance exam in the Czech Language and Literature and Mathematics.

A minimum number of 10 points is set for both of the sub-tests; a maximum of 50 points can be obtained, i.e. a total of 100 points for both areas.

More information about this unified part can be found here.

The evaluation of the unified entrance exam contributes 60% to the total evaluation of meeting the entrance criteria.

Exam dates:



15th April 2025

The admission test will be carried out in the form of a written test. If a student passes this unified test at two schools, the final result of the test with the higher grade achieved will be recorded.

CERMAT publishes the evaluation of applicants by 15th May 2024 at the latest.


School entrance exam (SEE)

The school part of the entrance exam will be conducted in the form of an interview and the following criteria will be taken into account:

Grade average in the school report in Term I and at the end of the 8th year and in Term I of the 9th year.

  • Average 1 – 1.09 … 10 points
  • Average 1.1 – 1.19 … 9 points
  • Average 1.2 – 1.29 … 8 points
  • Average 1.3 – 1.39 … 7 points
  • Average 1.4 – 1.49 … 6 points
  • Average 1.5 – 1.59 … 5 points
  • Average 1,60 – 2.49 … 0 points
  • Average 2,50 and worse – 20 points

– e.g. international English language exams.

  • A2 and higher

– first to third place in knowledge competitions of individuals in the district, regional or national round.

  • 6 awards … 10 points
  • 5 awards … 9 points
  • 4 award … 8 points
  • 3 awards … 7 points
  • 2 awards … 6 points
  • 1 awards … 5 points

Conducting an oral interview is to verify the representative behaviour and expression of the applicant, their communication skills and the ability to logically and substantively formulate their interest in the field and education. As part of the interview, the applicant will be evaluated based on their interest in literature and history of literature and a specific field of natural sciences, which they further show in various extracurricular activities and interest groups, competitions, etc.

Furthermore, the applicant’s ability to communicate in foreign languages will be taken into account, both in the context of informal conversation and in the area of reading and understanding the text.

A brief oral presentation on “Why I want to study at Monty Lyceum” is required during the oral interview.

Dates of exams:

22nd and 23rd April 2025

The evaluation of the school entrance exam contributes 40% to the total evaluation of meeting the entrance criteria.

Admission results

The total result of a particular student is the sum of the scores from both parts of the examination

If several students achieve the same results, the percentage of points earned in the school round is decisive.

The results of the admission procedure will be published on the school’s website on the official school notice board.

In the event of admission and interest in entering the study, the student is obliged to submit an enrolment card. This is possible either in person at the school address or by post within 10 days of receipt of the notification of the final entrance exam result.

Other conditions of the admissions

See Act No 561/2004 Coll. (Education Act), as amended, and Decree of the Ministry of Education, Youth and Sports No 353/2016 Coll., as amended, laying down the details of the organization of the admissions for secondary education, as amended.

An applicant with special educational needs submits the recommendation of the school counselling facility (pedagogical-psychological counselling centre, special pedagogical care centre) which contains support measures for the necessary adjustments to the admissions under Decree No 353/2016 Coll., on the admissions to secondary education, as amended.

come and see us

  • We only offer individual tours of the school

  • A few days of study for the exam

  • Consultation with an experienced career counsellor to help the undecided

Are you interested in studying at our school?

Přejdi na naši stránku kontaktů a zeptej se nás na vše, co tě zajímá, nebo rovnou vyplň naši přihlášku ke studiu a zúčastni se přijímacího řízení.